Let’s take a closer look at each functional group of technical means of protection of objects of different purposes.

Detection. This group includes technical means for security of buildings and perimeter (territory). Inside premises the equipment is installed in places of possible intrusion. The task of such devices is to signal to a security panel about unauthorized access or other abnormal situation. The means installed at the perimeter signal the attempts to breach the boundaries of the entrusted territory.

  1. Supervision. Technical means of this category provide on-line visual monitoring. The situation inside the object, at the perimeter or in two zones at the same time, can be monitored.
  2. Control. Means of protection intended for management provide reception, display of information, its registration and processing. They are also responsible for generation of correct commands for connected equipment. Control facilities are used to supervise operability of individual modules of the security system and of the whole system as a whole.
  3. Warning. The equipment generates warning signals (sound, light, combined). These signals inform about intrusion on the territory entrusted to you or prohibitions set on it.
  4. Countermeasures. Technical means of this group are stationary and mobile. They differ in the degree of influence on the intruder. Countermeasures systems are used together with warning means (signposts, signs, etc.).
  5. Control of authorized access. A wide range of technical means is applied for access control. Given current tasks and needs, identification systems (biometric, non-biometric), coding, reading, executing, blocking and other devices are installed at facilities.
  6. Solution of auxiliary tasks. Special protection means increase efficiency of main systems and separate equipment units. In case of failure of some parts of devices they temporarily replace them, providing detection, warning, counteraction (depending on functionality). Auxiliary and special tasks at the guarded objects are solved by the means of diagnostics, power supply, lighting, providing operational and service communication, etc.

All technical systems are subject to severe requirements with respect to reliability resources, performance, operability, speed of operation and certain physical and mechanical properties. These are particularly important for outdoor installations. The optimum choice is vandal-resistant security equipment. When it comes to electronics and control systems, reliable protection against unauthorized remote access, parameter changes, deletion or data substitution is an important requirement.

Technical means of security are actively developing. Scope of application is expanding, possibilities of security systems are increasing. In spite of this, you can not do without qualified security guards when providing security of an object. Experts recommend using physical security and technical means in combination. Combined solutions are multitasking, multifunctional and effective. Combined security measures ensure detection of the majority of threats, early warning of crossing the controlled area, and efficient counteraction.